Bali Barat National Park

If you like jungle tracking or bird watching and mammal watching , then you can try visiting Bali Barat National Park, this national park locate at Gilimanuk village, about 2-3 hours from Denpasar, Bali Barat National Park (TNBB) is a large area it's about 19.002,89 ha, with land sector about 15.587,89 ha and water sector 3.415 ha, with that large area Bali Barat National Park provide exceptional jungle tracking experience, you can explore every area at Bali Barat National Park with challenging and variating topography, you also can enjoy natural forest and fresh air. The facility in Bali is complete enough, there is Information center if you want to get more information and map, also you can hire a guide here, it's recommended you to get one, also there is some shelters for you to rest.

While doing jungle tracking you can watching wild animals that life there, don't worry about tiger, there is no tiger here, but there is snake life here, every jungle have a snake don't they ? You can doing bird watching here, Curik Bali/Jalak Bali bird only life here. Menjangan Island or Nusa Menjangan also part of TNBB that one of the favorite snorkelling spot in Bali.

There is some hotel near Bali Barat National Park

* Hotel Sari
* Hotel Surya
* Hotel Lestari
* Hotel Himawan
the rate is $5-$12/night

if you want exclusive hotel you can go to Jimbarwana Hotel the rate is $7-$20/night it's about 30 km from Gilimanuk village to the east at Negara city.