5 taboo in Bali
As everyone knows, every culture has its own rule. So does the Balinese people to have their own standard that leave outsiders, but not options to follow, or at least aware of it so it will help them to have better interaction with the Balinese people. Seriously, do not sweat taboo these things later, but it is always good to know the local culture.
1. Touching the head. Never touch the head of the Balinese people. No matter how close their relationship with them (but I'm not sure mix for marriage between Balinese and stranger / Western people). Head is considered the most sacred part of the body in Balinese culture and religion. Nobody supposed to touch for any reason unless he / she is a priest who is conducting a Hindu ritual. Doing so is not only impolite but is seen as an insult.
2. Pointing out with his left hand. Balinese are clever people. Therefore, pointing with his left hand is considered a very bad gesture. It is well but still, let say, something to point to use his left hand to her Balinese guide / driver in Bali, but if you've done so many times I fear that ended with a not so happy ending journey, if you know what I mean. I do not know how to explain, is simply the culture. In bringing something Balinese with his left hand, is like asking your dog to do something. I hope my point of reach. I have an experience where a user has pointed out something that I have been using their feet. Oh my gosh, I'm speechless.
3. Step by tenders. No matter where you are in Bali, in the city or town, you will find many offers to all places on every corner. If you walk by road or pedestrian sidewalk and there are no bids on a trial basis your best not to step on it. These offers are something sacred that is addressed to supernatural power. By stepping in it "destroy" their sacred aspect and they do 'dirty' and not worth more to be sacrificed.
4. First Knight. I know that the most common sense is the rule ladies first to be accepted throughout the world. Slightly in front of Balinese for people whose state is first ladies for some special occasion, like eating related occasions. To say they met at a local restaurant or food court with some Balinese man, so the oldest must be served first. There is no such ladies first. This is something to do with the values of respect for the oldest (men), headquartered in Balinese local culture.
5. Joke issues related to the mother. Do not make any joke with Balinese mother using any related topics. His joke is not funny at all, in fact, someone get hurt. Balinese can not remain in any joke related to the mother things.