Sibetan village, which is famous for its "salak" or snake skin fruit is located in Bebandem district, 83 km from Denpasar or 15 km from Amlapura.
Visitors visiting this area will be able to find food stalls and home stay.
As one of tourist destination in Karangasem, Sibetan village offers natural panorama (agro tourism). Sibetan village is 400-600 m above the sea level, with the average temperature of 20º-30º C. Its average rainfall is 1.567 mm - 20.000 mm per year. The cool climate and the comforting air make salak or skin snake fruit grows well in this area. Here, visitors can find various vegetations of salak with different tastes. The vast salak garden in this village is also interesting to see.
Almost 81,12% of Sibetan's area, which is 1.125.000 hectares, is turned into salak garden. Thus, about 14 various vegetations of salak can be found here, in which it cannot be seen in other areas. Mostly, visitors come to Sibetan village to witness directly the complete cultivation process of salak, including its marketing process.
Except showing the vast salak garden, Sibetan is also worth to visit for its unique and special culture and traditional art performances, such as dances and "genjek" and the show of traditional music instrument called "angklung".
To enjoy the natural view of this area, visitors can join the trekking activity that will be led by local guides.